The whole world is fighting against micro and invisible enemy. For defeating this enemy all world is trying very hard. Everyone is scared of this corona virus. It is very strange that human is scared from another human. The image of awe is like that if we found anyone grip from this virus then not even society all city is simmer. Silence falls everywhere.
In this large fear and panic environment. There are so many brave yodha who take care of human being. Such patients here from which own nervous. The brave soldiers take care of them and then try to recover again hard work. like doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, asha worker such everyone who is related to health system and the person who get duties to save their life and from the government they permit to protect the patient they are brave yodhas. Such as for saving the society people police department is also doing duty from heart. Their contribution is also very good. With the govt. organizations there are so many social organizations also help in pandemic disease corona. Who continues there duties for public they are not selfish at all. They are helping the people for the sake of humanity.
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Unbelievable Work On Corona Pandemic
To serve the humanity there are big organization that is Dera Sacha Sauda. The volunteers of it are seeing on the front line to serve the world. The volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda are also known as Shah Satnam Ji Green ‘S’ Welfare Force Wing because of their humanity works. According to the rules of local and state govt. they are helping. These servers in a unique color of dress are serving food to hungry people are distributing grocery and clothes to the needy people and helping the scared person to get rid of the fear of corona by sanitizing the village and cities.

There is no shortage of blood by these volunteers they are donating the blood on daily basis to fulfill the shortage of blood even during the lock down. Their main duty is to serve the humanity moreover there is no shortage for the requirement of needy person we salute to these corona warriors. who are always ready to do the humanity work and helps the needy persons without care of their life in this pandemic time.